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certainty of law造句

"certainty of law"是什么意思  
  • That ideal required the creation of certainty of law, through the recording of law and through its uniformity.
  • Sometimes excessive generality and omissions in Chinese law, coupled with the wide discretionary powers conferred on local authorities to implement laws, undermines the predictability and certainty of law.
  • The Committee considers the acceptance of these considerations to be indispensable to maintaining the principle of legality and, consequently, to the certainty of law required for the proper functioning of the International Labour Organization . 
  • Although he had signed, as Soviet-appointed official, the Soviet-inspired expropriation ordinance on 3 September 1945, pretendingly aiming at Nazi war criminals and other circles ( large real estate holders, often of noble descent ) uniformly identified as apt for expropriation, he criticized the abuse of the expropriation ordinance as a free ticket to completely destroy property structures and certainty of law.
  • It's difficult to see certainty of law in a sentence. 用certainty of law造句挺难的
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